Success Without Stress Meditation Program

Meditation is the most powerful stress-relieving tool there is.

Our Meditation Program gives you a technique to experience radiant, good health. Reducing the amount of accumulated stress and fatigue in your body will help you perform at the top of your game in all areas of life – to achieve your full potential.

In just two hours a day for four days during our meditation program, you will learn a self-sufficient meditation technique that you can practice for the rest of your life. Our Meditation Program is taught in four sessions. In this carefully-designed, yet simple sessions, you will develop a deeper understanding of the mind from both the perspective of modern science and ancient wisdom, gaining the practical tools required to minimize the effects of stress.

This is the most life changing program I have ever done and I feel positive about the future.
— Elise Elliot, Partner, Deloitte
So far, I have already noticed improvements overall for the players. Players’ sleeping patterns have improved, they have more energy and are calmer. Due to all of this, I have noticed a difference in their relationships with people, in general, their relationships are getting better and strengthening. I have experienced a reduction in my anxiety and general stress levels, as well as better sleep patterns. I have also noticed a greater level of happiness and general well-being.
— Brett Burton, Head of Football, Adelaide Football Club


Melbourne Course

  • 5th-8th February 2022