
taking action in our world, to make a difference

All my life I have believed it was possible to make a difference in the world, and I still do.

Thinking and action are of course sometimes worlds apart. Sometimes our ideas need more than money, they need love, nurturing and a little nudging. Yes, we all need support; a community of like-minded people to create something bigger than what we can do on our own.

The Griffith 200% Foundation vision is to create that support.

We are busy in our own worlds focused on our own life, yet in all of us we know we want to be thinking bigger, helping those in greater need.

We want to contribute more, be involved, be invested in the projects directly not just with money but our time, intelligence and creativity. We want to be part of the work.


It takes many like-minded people to come together, with the desire to make a difference.

The greatest difference that can be made is with the intangible assets that will change lives; information, ideas, energy, love and creativity. This is the inner 100%, the most valuable contribution we can make.

In the 90s I was inspired by a vision of changing the quality of opportunities for generations of orphans in Cambodia.

My inspiration was ignited by my meditation teacher and teacher of life, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Without his vision, support and love I would not have even had the idea to build a university in Cambodia.

He didn’t supply money, just organizing power and inspiration, the rest was achieved by the joy of many individuals engaging in the vision and the community to make it happen.

People make the difference, money flows where our attention is focused on making a difference.

So, out of the paddy fields of Cambodia in the early 90s came the first rural university for that country.  Today, this university has created a new generation of youth who are no longer living in villages without hope or the knowledge to make a difference. They are the CEOs, managers or teachers of NGOs and manage schools, universities, the government and businesses.

One small building and classroom in the countryside of Cambodia became a future for 1000s of young, disenfranchised and orphaned youth struggling to find their way after a life of suffering and pain under the Pol Pot regime.

We are influenced by our past, but more importantly, if we embrace a new opportunity in the present we can let go of the past and lean into our present and create a new future. If we can be given an opportunity to not just learn the skills of how to earn a living but the mindset to change our life, we can achieve 200% life.

Griffith Foundation is built on a vision of creating 200% life; inner and outer. The foundation of creating opportunity and happiness in life will not come from finances alone but from the chance to create learning of the self, the inside game of a life changing mindset to change how one operates in the world.

We follow this philosophy in all our businesses and with all organisations, that we so gratefully work with.

Our foundation is to provide inner learning and to change the outer reality of how we operate in the world.



for freedom from drug dependance

Griffith 200% Foundation is excited to be working towards the new dimension in youth re- creation, not just rehabilitation.

the first holistic health, residential centre



Harmful drug use continues to be a serious public health issue in Australia with 1,808 drug induced deaths registered in 2016. This is the highest number of drug deaths in twenty years, and is similar to the number recorded in the late 1990s, when a steep increase in opioid use, specifically heroin, led to deaths peaking at 1,740 in 1999. Although the number of drug induced deaths is the highest on record, the death rate per capita of 7.5 per 100,000 people is lower than that in 1999 (9.2 deaths per 100,000 people). 

The number of national illicit drug arrests has increased 70.5 per cent over the last decade, from 78 533 in 2005–06 to a record 133 926 in 2014–15. This reporting period cannabis continued to account for the greatest proportion of national illicit drug arrests, followed by ATS, other and unknown drugs, heroin and other opioids and cocaine.


According to the 2013 National Drug Strategy Household Survey (NDSHS), around 2.9 million people in Australia aged 14 and over were estimated to have used illicit drugs in the previous 12 months, and 8 million were estimated to have done so in their lifetime (AIHW 2014b). Both nationally and internationally, the proportion of people using illicit drugs has remained relatively stable over the last 10 years—around 15% of adults in Australia, and around 5% of the global adult population (AIHW 2014a; UNODC 2015).

Illicit drug use contributed to 1.8% of the total burden of disease and injury in Australia in 2011. This included the impact of injecting drug use and cocaine, opioid, amphetamine and cannabis dependence. Globally, illicit drug use contributed 0.8% of the total burden of disease in 2010 and has increased since 1990—moving from the 18th to 15th ranking risk factor (IHME 2014). It is estimated that illicit drug use costs the Australian economy $8.2 billion annually through crime, productivity losses and health care costs (Collins & Lapsley 2008)

The number of national illicit drug seizures increased 13.7 per cent, from 93 086 in 2013–14 to a record 105 862 in 2014–15.




We wish to support education to fulfil it's highest goal, which is to create individuals who are educated and prepared to live their full potential, free of mistakes and with the ability to mkae better choices.

Education has failed our youth, governments have failed our youth. All the money invested in our education system has produced a focus only on the ATAR score, an academic investment in a career.

Griffith 200% Foundation is excited to be working towards the new dimension in youth re-creation, not just rehabilitation, the first holistic health, learning and drug residential centre.

For more information or to enquire about our work and how you can get involved, please contact us today.