Steve Griffith
Is the Director and Founder of Griffith Consulting Group; Director and Founder of Sukhavati Ayurvedic Retreat & Spa, Bali; The Institute of Vedic Science, and Veda Wellness in Australia.
Steve is a motivational public speaker delivering over 200 conference and seminars a year. He has created The High Performance Leadership Coach Programs that provide transformational training and results in Leadership and Cultural Change for 100s of CEOs, Managers, and Staff at some of Australia’s leading Corporate and Government organisations.
Steve studied the Science of Creative Intelligence and its application in the field Consciousness at Maharishi European Research University, Switzerland and Maharishi Vedic College Melbourne. He has specialized in this field of study and teaching for thirty five years.
Steve was instrumental in the establishment of the first rural University, in partnership with the Ministry of Education, for orphaned youths in the Prey Veng province of Cambodia in the early 1990’s. Under his leadership, funds were raised to build the first classrooms and halls of residence, and to subsidize faculty wages and student scholarships. Degree programs in agriculture and management were offered to help rebuild the countries education system and restore the wellbeing and confidence of the youth who are the future of the country.
“Today has stretched our thinking, opened new possibilities, and guided us toward greater self-reflection and awareness. Today has planted the seed for new beginnings and future growth.”
“This has been a valuable tool providing a catalyst for group discussion and a narrowing of focus and greater understanding of what we can achieve together if we really want to do so.”
keynote & Motivation
Steve will set the tone for your next event by energising your attendees and providing inspirational content to effect real change.
Unlock the potential of the leadership mindset for sustained high performance at every level.
lifestyle & wellbeing
Learn to manage stress and energy to increase workplace performance, happiness and mental health.