The Enneagram
How to understand personalities for better communication and success
The Enneagram is an ancient system used in describing personality types and how they affect one another.
Comprehensive research in recent years has added greatly to our understanding of the application of this tool.
We need first to discover our own personality type and (where possible) to ascertain the types of those we are working with. Finding our type is not the final goal but merely the starting place for one of the most fascinating and rewarding journeys in the process of self-discovery.
This workshop is an introduction to the Enneagram system of understanding personality and behaviour. One of the helpful things about the Enneagram, however, is that it starts paying off with valuable insights as soon as you start looking into it.
This is the foundation workshop to develop an understanding of the Enneagram framework. All participants gain a clear understanding of human personality and their own personality profile based on the Enneagram, as well as the value of self-understanding, the understanding of others and diversity in effective leadership and change management.
The workshop is interactive and set within the context of the need for self-aware, high performing staff who can, intelligently and by exemplary leadership, drive positive organisational relationships, cultural change and outstanding work performance within the organisation.
“I have seen significant improvement in awareness and resource availability. I have seen an increase in my self-esteem, I am more able to deal with issues and more aware of my role and how people look up to me. Fantastic program! Got a lot from it, really valued the program. It allowed for networking and bonding with others, checking in on each other, built team, helped those of us in leadership roles to discuss how to make TRC a better place.”