Bendigo Bank

The re-focusing on energy recovery, resilience, emotional self-awareness, motivation and achievements, with leaders from the Sydney, Adelaide and Victorian teams.

Bendigo Bank

The re-focusing on energy recovery, resilience, emotional self-awareness, motivation and achievements, with leaders from the Sydney, Adelaide and Victorian teams.

Port Stephens Council, NSW — case study

Increasing accountability and performance at Port Stephens Council.

Adelaide Football Club

The re-focusing on energy recovery, resilience, emotional self-awareness, motivation and achievements, with leaders from the Sydney, Adelaide and Victorian teams.

Jellis Craig, VIC — Case Study

Transformation of environment and culture through an individualised and personal approach at Jellis Craig.

Goulburn Valley Water, VIC — case study

Creating high performing teams, reducing stress and improving communication.

Video Testimonials

Port Stephens Council

Video interviews with Port Stephens Council’s employees and managers about the organisations’ experiences with the Griffith Consulting Leadership & Culture Program.

Warringah Council

In 2010, one of the largest councils in NSW was faced with all its metrics on staff engagement and customer performance as one of the poorest performing councils in NSW. Warringah Council engaged us in a three-year partnership program to support and strengthen the cultural change they were implementing throughout the whole organisation.

Adelaide Football Club

Brett Burton discusses the remarkable benefits they experienced going through the High-Performance Leading Culture & Wellbeing Program. Brett Burton reveals how the program helped the players and coaches develop a resilience and high-performance culture.

Marshall White Real Estate

Simon Jovanovic discovered The High-Performance Leadership Program during a challenging time when they were struggling with high-stress levels. This captivating testimonial dives deep into how The High-Performance Leadership Coach Program became the solution they were searching for. 💡


The High Performance Leadership coach program

Participant Feedback

I’ve done a lot of coaching, counselling and professional training, but this is the best program I’ve ever done.
— Abby Innes, Sales Executive & Auctioneer, Marshall White
Our council had a history of not delivering projects on time or on budget. Our financial management was often in deficit. Our workers compensation claim was high and stress claims were on the increase. As a result of running this program, we are bringing our projects in on time and within or below budget, and we are on track to break even with our financial position. Stress is not a word we hear much about these days. These results happen due to leaders who are coaching their staff to bring about transformational change.

I have seen great benefits with relationship building between staff who attned the course. Now when issues arise, they seem less of a problem because strong relationships that are in place.

I would recommend the program wholeheartedly to any organisation that wanted to improve their leadership and the resilence of their people and take a holistic approach to the work, life and the community.
— Wayne Wallis, Chief Executive Officer, Port Stephens Council 2015