THE Leader As A Coach


Infographics here.
Infographics here.
Infographics here.

Improve your team’s capabilities and engagement through a one-day workshop, which will focus on leadership strategies that promote effective communication, accountability and culture change.

We’ll show you how the three essential components of organisational culture (experiences, beliefs and actions) work together in perfect harmony to create awesome results and happier, satisfied teams.

It will dive deep into your team’s individual goals and those of your organisation and making sure they align.

This program will:

  • Enhance performance through changing beliefs, values and assumptions
  • Put culture at the forefront of strategic objectives
  • Flipping mindsets so that your team become performance and results oriented
  • Use our one-to-one engagement model to overcome blind spots and heighten employee motivation
  • Encourage each team member to become a leader
Absolute clarity and precision in thinking; seeing the world in a different way. My reactions to people are more relaxed, happy and encouraging. Feeling I can manage daily life in a more productive and successful way.
— Kate Keenan, Head of Business Performance, Corporate and Business Banking, National Australia Bank
This program has been the most effective personal and professional development initiative in which I have participated, a view shared by all our managers. The program took a holistic approach to improving performance in all the intelligences, providing a transformational experience through the insights and learning’s for application in the workplace.
— Glenn Patterson, Chief Executive Officer, Shire of Yarra Ranges 2014