A system of strategies for achieving greater focus, simplicity, productivity and effectiveness
We have two different qualities of internal machinery, the conscious mind or “working memory” and the subconscious mind or “hard wiring”, which is at a deeper level of feeling. From the biological perspective this is the neo-cortex and the limbic brain.
Any time we try a new activity, behaviour, or way of thinking we are forging a new pathway in the brain. We are creating circuits that don’t currently exist. Doing this takes energy, focus and requires extensive use of our subconscious mind.
Aligning knowledge and action is still the challenge for individuals and organisations alike. Since knowing and doing are not the same thing, often we know the best practice but our actions are not part of a process. Gaps still exist that can only be bridged by clearly defining the behaviour, seeing the opportunity for improvement and creating the strategy to achieve the change.
One-on-one executive coaching sessions are a key strategy to assist and provide clarity and focus on key challenges and new results.
Working with your coach, during your executive coaching sessions, will help bring greater clarity and steps fulfil your vision, values and goals. This supports a shift towards establishing new positive routines and a move towards a higher level of engagement and results both personally and professionally.
The coaching program is designed with a minimum of 6 sessions allowing 60 minutes for each session.
Personality profiling tool for identifying strengths and challenges
120 day action planner focusing on key strategies to build new competencies
Goal setting
Ability to identify the gaps between current self and ideal self
Ability to clearly identify the actions needed to achieve new results
Ability to construct an ideal vision of oneself through a 120 day action planner