The Five focus strategies
1 day masterclass
Unlock the potential of the leadership mindset
the five focus strategies to organistional high performance
A unique and world class one day masterclass, on the latest breakthroughs in human potential; the brain research on mindfulness, the neurophysiology of meditation, positive psychology, and coaching for transforming self and team culture. Discover how to manage culture and create a collective mindset of positivity. See how leadership and culture is the strategic imperative; shifting from the past bias of management systems, to a growth mindset for a leading culture of innovation.
Tap into the potential of team members to develop positive attitudes and thinking that supports the team and organizational culture. Develop leadership at every level in the team, where members learn to be more pro-active and strategic to solve problems. Give each team member the skill to be more resilient and positive in the face of adversity and negativity.
Create a new level of authentic open communication that creates more engagement and understanding of the different personalities in the team and unleashes cooperation and team building. By understanding the four intelligences, each team member can develop a personal plan of goals and actions that will produce more clarity and energy for themselves.
What you will learn:
•The innovative thinking for a quantum shift in how we change ourselves, team, and the whole organisation.
• How to focus your team on culture, developing the strategy, and thinking to understand the inside game of your current culture. Create a vision of beliefs, attitudes, acts and behaviours to engage the whole organisation in positive solution focused thinking.
• How to develop personal leadership strategies to create a breakthrough in managing stress, energy and emotional resilience, to improve effectiveness, performance and enjoyment.
• The latest research on the brain and coaching to remove old habits of past performance.
• How to breakthrough inertia, apathy and old ways of thinking that hold up change.
• The five major causes of low performing cultures and why old methods do not work.
• Discover the science and art of mindfulness and meditation.
• The latest research on how to change the brain using the discoveries on neurophysiology and high performance, to improve focus, concentration, and memory through meditation.
What this seminar can achieve:
• Creates the opportunity for each team member not only to understand, but to change thoughts, feelings, attitudes, beliefs and behaviours that influence the “unseen culture of the team”.
• Creates a positive thinking, problem solving, team culture.
• Allows individuals to increase energy, mental clarity and create a more positive and enjoyable team environment.
• Develops an understanding of individual personalities and differences in the team, allowing for more positive and authentic communication.
• Allows the team to create a new vision and understanding of their team values, to ensure a breakthrough in performance and create a high performing team.