The Enneagram is an ancient tool for personal understanding, development and transformation. It is a personality profiling system that can provide data that helps us understand that we need to go beyond our habitual responses in order to better understand, relate to and connect with other people and the world we are a part of.

Each personality has its own unique defence mechanism. Each of us believes that our strategy for survival is the right one. These strategies feel right. Sometimes, though, they lead us and others astray. The Enneagram provides a framework to guide and support a personal shift away from the survival strategy to an understanding of the other positions and more conscious behaviour. It is useful to be in a community (or team) where constructive feedback can be provided to help us better manage our defence mechanisms. 




Also called the Observer, Thinker, Philosopher, Sage, Investigator or Recluse

Psychological defence involves being rational, logical and analytical

Knowledge and understanding are vital

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•         Focus on observing and thinking and analytical seclusion as a way of ensuring an emotional separation from others and relationships, which can be draining.

•         Can experience emotions and feelings as overwhelming. Often detach emotionally, but make cool, rational decision makers. 

•         Highly protective of their privacy, self-sufficiency and independence.

•         Often have in-depth knowledge of a particular subject.







  • Pay attention to feelings – display your emotions, connect emotionally. 
  • Try to feel your emotions, then stay with them and don’t run away, open your heart to yourself and others.
  • Get into the body and out of the head.
  • Activate your body and sense your instincts.
  • Move to point 8 relax point. Ask: “What action steps do I need to take now?” 
  • Do as well as think.
  • Be generous with your time, money, resources and your love.
  • Spend more time with those you love.
  • Be present to the feelings of others.
  • Stop thinking and just “be.”
  • Encourage connections between your friends and try not to compartmentalise.
  • Be spontaneous, don’t set so many limits, disclose information.
  • Feel your emotions instead of analysing them.
  • Engage at a personal level. 


Daily activity:  Allow yourself to need others, connect with and express your feelings, increase your capacity to engage rather than withdraw.


Author: Veronica Lunn

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Veronica has had significant experience working with large and small organizations, industry groups and individuals, providing workshops, seminars, forums and one on one coaching. With a strong background working with local government and state government, as well as the private sector, Veronica is an accredited Enneagram practitioner and teacher and brings high level facilitation and relationship skills to Griffith Consulting.

For more information about Veronica or the Enneagram, please contact us here, today.

Breegan Gloury